Thursday, April 22, 2010


今天我發點訊给避虎說我在starbucks喝晚上茶 =)
make him jealous a bit
last time he texted me saying he was at starbucks drinking afternoon tea XD
然後他們打完球就來找我~~ ㄎㄎ
They actually came and looked for me!
I thought it was really nice and i was really glad to see them~
First i saw Joker and i was like.. is that him and i saw him with the badminton bag behind him.
Then I saw ㄚ龐 ~
They were on their way to Mika.
It was nice seeing them and having them visit me. Return fox really likes starbucks I noticed.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Where am I?

today i totally blanked out and i started having visions of my life in canada... and wen i snapped back into reality.. i was like.. where on earth am i.. and why am i still in taiwan????? summer ended months ago..

sometimes this feels like a big dream.. that one day i'll wake up
i want to wake up from this hectic life i'm in..
and sometimes i make myself busy with a bunch of stuff so i dont' have time to think
i dont' want to think i'm scared if i start thinking .. the tears will start to well up
i feel like i don't belong here
i need something to 安定my heart..
i know what it is.. but i can't seem to find it

this is all a dream
please tell me it is?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Some funny things worth remembering:

Today meeting two guys at the volleyball court, one having a girlfriend already so i gave him up. Another one was moderately tall and he was really good in volleyball .. <3 But i probably won't see him again. Haha
I did notice him taking a picture of me eating watermelon my 吃像!!
and the only words i spoke to him are .. i'm from canada. she's from africa. and he said you're getting better and better at volleyball.
Ok yah but it was nice noticing a new guy to like.

Something that happened last thursday it was raining and i was so intent on going to play badminton. Then return fox msged us all saying no practice cuz it was raining outside.. and then i replied saying "are u kidding me? it's just a bit of rain".. LOL i think that reply was hilarious. and i heard that wei nen wang replied saying "im going still.. do u want to come" so then he ended up going.
Oh and that jacket he wore that day was really nice.
Finally a guy wears something nice.. in taiwan that i approve of.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Maybe it was just me thinking too much all the time,
Thinking that we were more than just friends
but it turns out that i might be just a friend to you.
I hate the emotional upturns and downturns that I'm experiencing right now.
Maybe I need to lock onto some other target.
And I feel like I'm using Lulu too.
Whenever I'm in a bad mood, he's the person that i go to.
Ugh i don't know what to think anymore.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Skype.. finally

Yesterday (satuday)
you finally called me.
It was about time.
I missed seeing you and talking to you.
For some reason talking to you really brightens my day.
Even if outside my door there's a war raging on~ i could ignore it all.
新哥's brother asked if I were to choose between you to, who do I like more.
What could i say at that moment in time? Of course I wouldn't choose one, but obviously I do like you more.

Missing you

Okay I know for sure I haven't been keeping up.
But I hope I could update regularly.
Maybe this place would be the place to vent, to talk, to just pour out my emotions you know?
Anyways I just wanted to say that.
I miss you guys.
Not talking to you guys or seeing you guys has made me realize how much I rely on you guys in my life.
And now you guys have left me.
I hope things could go back to the way they were when you guys return.